On this album Kehribar – Meripihka Nefes is joined by master musicians Neva Özgen (kemençe) and Göksel Baktagir (kanun) from Turkey and Ilkka Heinonen (jouhikko) and Timo Väänänen (kantele) from Finland. Kehribar is a beautiful but also surpising musical journey of Nefes and the guests to study the relationship of the instruments kemençe/jouhikko and kanun/kantele. This journey started with a concert at Etnosoi! festival 2010. The atmosphere was too beautiful to stop the journey there – and the idea of making a cd with the same line-up was born.
Panu Helke - recorder
Kai Olander - ney, kaval, zurna
John Millar - ney, clarinet
Pekka Nylund - ud
Murat Ermutlu - daire,bendir, def, davul
Christer Hackman - darbuka, tablak
Özen Erdinç - vocal
Yonca Ermutlu - vocal