Father’s Day at Children’s Etnosoi!

Can fish get married – and what does jazz mean? We’ll look into these and many other big and small questions during concerts, workshops and arts-and-crafts sessions.

We’ll take imaginative journeys to the ends of the world during concerts by Brazilian percussionist/composer Adriano Adewale and musicians from the Sibelius Academy’s Global Music Department.
And we’ll find out about the essence of jazz through an easy-going workshop led by Sami Kontola, Mikko Innanen and Viivi-Maria Saarenkylä.
A Taiwanese tale features the adventures of a carp, another fish and a firefly. This music and storytelling workshop is led by Ni Jui Hsin and Ayla Brinkmann.

The event is co-produced by the Global Music Centre and Malmitalo, in partnership with the Global Music Department of the Sibelius Academy of Uniarts Helsinki and the Helsinki Jazz association.

Restaurant Lamassu at Malmitalo is open on Father's Day!

Intercultural Moomins - The Invisible Child

Malmisali 14:00-14:45 and 15:30-16:15

LR Body Percussion Performance ©Maarit Kytöharju

The Etnosoi! festival and Global Music programme of Sibelius Academy, University of Arts, Helsinki, have joined forces to create an exciting and innovative project that brings a classic  Moomin story to life through live storytelling, visuals, and music, resulting in an immersive experience for audiences. This unique performance centers around the Moomin story ‘The Invisible Child’, blending its profound message with artistic expression in a way that captures imagination and creativity.

The story of ‘The Invisible Child’ is deeply relevant in today’s world. It tells the tale of Ninni, a little girl who has become invisible due to a feeling of not being acknowledged, heard, or accepted by society. Brought into the Moomin family’s care, Ninni begins to reappear as she experiences kindness, warmth, and acceptance. In this way, the story is a poignant reminder of how vital it is to be seen, heard, and acknowledged by others. Ninni’s journey from invisibility to visibility reflects the struggles of those who feel overlooked or disconnected in their lives. It speaks to the importance of human connection, emotions, and the role of a nurturing community.

The multilingual performance will feature storytellers speaking in Finnish, alongside other languages. Original music is created by the project’s participants drawing on the multicultural backgrounds of the musicians, which supports the characters in the story while enhancing the animation. The visuals, rich in color and shape, will complement the narrative, transporting the audience to a world of imagination, creativity, and playfulness.

This artistic collaboration not only brings to life the timeless message of ‘The Invisible Child’  but also creates a powerful sensory experience, reminding us of the importance of empathy, community, and being seen.

Alma Weiser - vocals
Jaakko Arola - bass clarinet, saxofon
Devina Boughton - trumpet, vocals, storytelling
Kärt Tambert - violin, vocals
Livia Schweizer - flute, storytelling
Maarika Autio - balafon, storytelling
Manuel Rosales - guitar
Yoandi Jimeno - percussion, storytelling
Xin Tong - guzheng
Teacher: Adriano Adewale Itauna, percussion


Music & Storytelling Workshop

Tanssisali 14:30-15:15 and 16:00-16:45


Welcome to a fun and imaginative music workshop centred around a children’s folk song from Taiwan: ⻄北雨 - Sai-Ba-Ho (in English: Northwest Rain). The song tells the story of an adventure that unfolds in a rainstorm, featuring two fish about to get married, a clever matchmaker carp, and a firefly who can light their way through the rain.

The workshop is 30-45 minutes long and is designed for children between 3-7 years of age.

NI JUI HSIN (he/him) is a Tsugaru Shamisen player from Taiwan. He specialises in traditional Japanese folk songs, seamlessly integrating elements of pop and rock into his music making. Jui is also skilled in utilising rhythm, storytelling, and dance as educational tools for children.

AYLA BRINKMANN (she/they) is a Finnish-South African musician and performer, currently studying in the Global Music programme at Sibelius Academy. Ayla’s artistic work and pedagogy is built on playfulness and connection: the magic that happens between people.


Joy of jazz for children and families

Pieni sali 14:15-15:00 and 15:45-16:30

Jatsin riemua

Helsinki Jazz Association is organizing a jazz event for children and families in honour of its 50th anniversary – for the first
time in Helsinki Jazz's history. The events promise an adventure into the world of free jazz and improvisation, with the
audience participating in the music-making through rhythms, sounds, and movement, experiencing the joy of improvisation.
The music will be led by a trio of top musicians assembled specifically for the event; for them too, this will be an adventure
into a new experience.

Mikko Innanen: Saxophones and other musical instruments
Sami "Samigo" Kontola: Percussion and other instruments
Viivi Maria Saarenkylä: Accordion and other instruments

The performance at Children’s Etnosoi! in collaboration with Helsinki Jazz Association, Global Music Centre and Cultural Centre Malmitalo

Picture tube

On the balcony 2 - 5 pm:

Make a cool mini TV out of a cardboard tube! Draw on paper the best things, the funniest moments or a nice memory. Spend a nice viewing moment together with a friend or parent.

Planning and execution of the workshop Runoropinoita/Ulla-Maija Vanhala

Unicef ​​Finland introduces itself

In the lobby 2 - 5 pm:

Come and get to know our activities. Also products for sale.

Children’s Etnosoi! timetable 2024

Time Malmisali Pieni sali Tanssisali Balcony Lobby

Intercultural Moomins - The Invisible Child


Crafts workshop Picture tube non-stop

Unicef ​​Finland introduces itself
14:15-14:30 Joy of jazz for children and families  
14:30-14:45 Music & Storytelling Workshop        

Intercultural Moomins - The Invisible Child

15:45-16:00 Joy of jazz for children and families  
16:00-16:15 Music & Storytelling Workshop

